




1. 增强免疫功能


2. 滋阴益肾


3. 养血生血


4. 抗衰老


5. 补钙壮骨



1. 食疗佳品


2. 传统名贵药材


3. 安全性高









1. 补气养血


2. 抗贫血


3. 滋阴润燥


4. 妇女产后调理


5. 其他功效







1. 气血双亏、面色苍白、头晕眼花、心悸气短等症状的患者。

2. 贫血患者,特别是缺铁性贫血患者。

3. 妇女产后身体虚弱、气血不足、乳汁不足等症状的患者。

4. 需要滋阴润燥、改善腰膝酸软、失眠多梦等症状的人群。



### 海棠茶之益处与功能


#### 一、营养丰富的茶饮


1. **维生素与矿物质**:海棠茶中的维生素和矿物质有助于提高人体免疫力,增强体质。维生素能够促进新陈代谢,保持身体健康;而矿物质则是构成人体组织的重要成分。

2. **糖类与有机酸**:海棠茶中的糖类和有机酸,有助于补充人体所需的水分和能量,具有生津止渴的功效。

3. **消化系统保护**:海棠茶中的有机酸和维生素能够促进胃肠道蠕动,改善消化不良、积食、腹胀等症状。

#### 二、多种功效


1. **健脾和胃**:海棠茶中的有机酸和维生素有助于改善胃肠功能,加速食物消化和吸收,对消化不良、积食、腹胀等症状有显著改善作用。

2. **生津止渴**:海棠茶中的糖类和有机酸,以及丰富的水分,能够生津止渴,补充人体所需的水分。

3. **提高免疫力**:海棠茶中的维生素、矿物质和有机酸等成分,能够增强人体免疫力,提高抗病能力。

4. **缓解腹泻**:海棠茶具有止泻功能,对于经常腹泻的人群有一定的缓解作用。

5. **舒筋止痛**:海棠茶中的氨基酸等成分,有助于缓解关节疼痛,改善筋骨不适。

6. **美容养颜**:海棠茶中的维生素和矿物质等成分,有助于改善皮肤状况,美容养颜。

#### 三、饮用注意事项


1. **适量饮用**:海棠茶虽然营养丰富,但过量饮用可能导致不适,建议每天饮用2-3杯为宜。

2. **适宜人群**:海棠茶适合大多数人饮用,但孕妇、哺乳期妇女、患有胃溃疡等疾病的人群应谨慎饮用。

3. **饮用温度**:海棠茶宜热泡温饮,冷饮可能导致不适。

4. **禁忌人群**:低血糖人群不宜饮用海棠茶,以免引起血糖过低。





1. 降血糖血脂:苦荞麦中含有丰富的芦丁,这种物质能够有效降低血液中的血脂和胆固醇含量,对心血管具有保护作用。长期饮用苦荞麦泡水,可以帮助平衡血糖血脂,对于心脑血管疾病患者来说,具有辅助治疗的效果。

2. 清除毒素:苦荞麦中的膳食纤维含量丰富,能够使肠道更加畅通,促进大便排出,加速体内毒素的排出。饮用苦荞麦泡水,可以排毒养颜,让肌肤更加红润光滑,同时有助于减肥,塑造苗条身材。

3. 开胃健脾:苦荞麦中含有淀粉,可以抑制胃部分泌过多的胃酸,具有开胃健脾的功效。对于脾胃不好的人来说,饮用苦荞麦泡水有助于保养脾胃,同时,苦荞麦中的多种维生素对细胞再生有促进作用,有助于延缓衰老。

4. 抗氧化:苦荞麦中含有强力抗氧化物维生素P,可以降低血脂、增强血管弹性、防止血液凝结,对心脑血管疾病具有很好的疗效。

5. 免疫调节:苦荞麦中的生物类黄酮具有免疫抑制作用,可以提高机体免疫力,预防疾病。

6. 抗癌作用:苦荞麦中的生物类黄酮具有抗癌作用,可以清除体内的自由基,防止机体脂质过氧化反应。

7. 抗疲劳作用:苦荞麦中的生物类黄酮具有抗疲劳作用,可以提高人体耐力和抗病能力。


1. 准备材料:苦荞麦、清水。

2. 将苦荞麦洗净,放入杯中。

3. 倒入适量沸水,加盖焖泡5-10分钟。

4. 取出苦荞麦,即可饮用。






































1. 蛋白质:毛豆是一种优质的植物蛋白来源,含有必需氨基酸,对人体的生长发育和维持身体健康具有重要意义。

2. 纤维:毛豆含有丰富的膳食纤维,有助于改善便秘、降低胆固醇,预防心血管疾病。

3. 矿物质:毛豆中含有丰富的钾、铁、钙、镁等矿物质,有助于维持人体电解质平衡、增强免疫力。

4. 维生素:毛豆富含维生素C、维生素E、维生素B1、维生素B2等,具有抗氧化、抗衰老、提高免疫力等作用。


1. 健脑益智:毛豆中的卵磷脂有助于改善大脑的记忆力和智力水平,是儿童和老年人的益智食品。

2. 预防心血管疾病:毛豆中的不饱和脂肪酸、亚油酸和亚麻酸等成分,可以改善脂肪代谢,降低甘油三酯和胆固醇,从而预防心血管疾病。

3. 改善便秘:毛豆中的丰富膳食纤维有助于改善便秘,有利于血压和胆固醇的降低。

4. 缓解更年期症状:毛豆中的功能性大豆异黄酮具有雌激素作用,可以改善妇女更年期的不适,防治骨质疏松。

5. 增强免疫力:毛豆中的维生素C、维生素E等抗氧化物质,能够抵抗损害细胞的氧自由基,提高免疫力。

6. 帮助消化:毛豆有助于消化和吸收,巩固脾胃,对消暑解渴、润肺止咳也有一定帮助。

7. 利尿排毒:毛豆有利尿排毒的功效,对尿路感染和尿结石患者有很好的帮助。

8. 养颜美肤:毛豆中的抗氧化物质有助于抗衰老,保持皮肤弹性和光泽。

9. 预防肥胖:毛豆富含蛋白质和纤维,有助于减少多余的体重,预防肥胖。

10. 儿童补铁佳品:毛豆中的铁易于吸收,是儿童补充铁的食物之一。



1. 盐水毛豆:将毛豆清洗干净,加入适量的盐和清水,煮熟即可。

2. 毛豆炒肉:将毛豆和瘦肉切成小块,加入适量的调味料,炒熟即可。

3. 毛豆炖排骨:将毛豆和排骨放入锅中,加入适量的清水和调味料,炖至熟烂。

4. 毛豆烧菜:将毛豆与其他蔬菜一起烹饪,如毛豆烧肉、毛豆烧茄子等。





1. 增强免疫力


2. 降低血压、血脂


3. 抗癌作用


4. 改善消化


5. 抗菌消炎



1. 准备材料:新鲜大蒜、白酒、密封容器。

2. 将大蒜去皮,切成薄片或段。

3. 将切好的大蒜放入密封容器中。

4. 倒入适量的白酒,使大蒜完全浸泡在酒中。

5. 密封容器,放置在阴凉通风处,浸泡时间为1个月左右。

6. 浸泡期间,每隔一段时间打开容器,摇晃一下,使大蒜充分吸收酒精中的营养成分。

7. 浸泡结束后,取出大蒜,挤干酒液,即可食用。


1. 每天食用3-5片白酒泡大蒜,可生食或煮熟食用。

2. 可将白酒泡大蒜作为调料,用于烹饪各种菜肴。

3. 可将白酒泡大蒜与醋、酱油等调料混合,制作成蘸料,用于食用海鲜、烧烤等食品。







1. 增强免疫力


2. 抗癌防癌


3. 调节血糖


4. 保护肝脏


5. 抗衰老


6. 益气养阴


7. 壮阳补肾


8. 延缓衰老





1. 将土鸡宰杀后去毛、去内脏,洗净切块。
2. 将虫草花用清水冲洗干净。
3. 将土鸡、虫草花、姜片、葱段放入炖锅中,加入适量清水。
4. 大火煮沸后,转小火炖煮2小时左右。
5. 调味后即可食用。



Easy to live in the front yard of the house and look up at the sky. All kinds of aura are colorful and shiny. The stars are like gems, and they are densely covered with the vast night. The faint crescent moon faintly hangs in the sky and looks like a smile.

"There is the highest star in the sky to dominate life and death, and to master the life of Yin and Yang. Those who know are born ignorant and those who die."
"People have the highest point, the body, the eyes, the eyes, the truth, the self-cultivation, and the body to avoid self-evil."
Easy to choose left and right, I chose this plough solution, which can protect the body and protect the body. The corresponding changes of the lightning method are mysterious and unpredictable, and the effect is many times stronger than that of the magic weapon.
It is also a great benefit for self-cultivation not to rely on foreign objects, but it is quite difficult to practice this method. First of all, it is very difficult to find everything outside the highest heaven.
Easy to sit cross-legged, looking back, all the plastids in the visual body are missing. Concentrate and meditate. The light of the left eye, the sun, the right eye, the moon, the white light and the gold light rise again, and the shining body is brilliant, warm as spring and comfortable.
The two lights meet each other in the blink of an eye. This light is lively and flashing like the sun, the moon, the bright circle and the stars. A circle is formed in Yu Mei’s heart, like the front of Nigong Pill, and the two palaces are connected, which is much smaller than Nigong.
But it’s a virtual image, and I don’t know how far it is. It’s just a feeling that I know in my heart that this is the highest plough palace.
Move your mind easily to control this circle like the highest day palace. Get up carefully and slowly, open your eyes slightly, look up at the sky, and pinch your right hand back and forth. Calculate the position of the highest day star according to the secret method of the highest day.
After a long time, it’s easy for my eyes to flash and my feet to step on the left hand. The chanting sound in my mouth is subtle and inaudible. Strengthen the control of my mind. The symbols drawn in the virtual record a flash of golden light, but I feel that a desolate and mysterious information slowly drops and gradually merges into a shape. The light column hovers over my head.
After a while, the light beam becomes white and brilliant! Qiang Qiang! Two enveloped him and rebuked him. Suddenly, a bright spot flashed through the flesh and bones, and the light outside gradually merged into a line.
A stabbing pain in the brain was absorbed by ice, but it was just a feeling that one was the heart, and the other was that the brain is now tense and tense, and the sky is full of gas, and the unspeakable light is directly poured into the palace of the highest day to form a gas automatically.
The uncomfortable feeling in Yi’s heart is that I can’t understand this specific feeling method. I thought, "Although I have profound experience, I have to study hard after reading too little and mastering vocabulary is not enough."
Looking at the plough palace as a splendid galaxy, I don’t know how long it is and how deep it is. Let’s leave him alone.
Eyes meet, the sun and the moon stare at the two kidneys, and the stars in the highest heaven palace also shine in harmony with each other. This move accelerates the blood production speed of the body, and the blood lost during the assassination gradually makes up for it. When the body is full of energy, the three lights are as good as that of Zhongdian Jindan.
The instant qi churns the storage body, the innate essence, the three treasures and the three lights collide together, and then the qi is fused and separated to form a special substance, which rises along the meridians to the Dantian Nigong Pill to the Tiangang Palace.
This substance changes back and forth in the plough palace, and then it is scattered on the walls of the flesh membrane, which is easy to burn the brain, but it doesn’t burn people. However, my eyes are uncontrolled and protrude slightly, and I want to squeeze out three kinds of gas.
The third volume Three flowers gather at the top Chapter 59 Three flowers gather at the top
At this time, the feeling is that life is worse than death. The brain is groggy and wandering, and the body is too empty to be controlled by thinking. However, there are three seeds that germinate in vain. I don’t know how long it will take. It looks like the virtual image of three lotus flowers, but I feel that all the material parts of the brain are squeezed out like a person falling straight from a tall building.
Yi’s face smiled with relief, and his last thought was "I’m going to heaven"
In a daze, I will die or die, and I will gradually forget my body feeling. The only feeling I have is that I will gradually react with a little sanity. I will calm down and close my eyes, but there will be thousands of stars, but it is a phenomenon of double-sightedness.
At this time, I suddenly entered the realm of self-forgetting, and I felt that if a skylight was opened, such as sunlight transmission, it would be more cool and refreshing, just like taking advantage of weakness and a clear and empty air fell all over my body.
I don’t know how long it will take to wake up easily, but I am more excited than the Taoist awakening myself.
But how does the body feel so sticky and smell a little foul smell? When I look at the clothes tightly attached to the skin, I feel greasy. It seems that the body material is once again a big transformation. The more impurities are removed, the greater the progress of self-cultivation. I can’t wait to be like this every day.
I went back to my house to take a bath and changed into a suit made of pure cotton. Wearing a pair of leather soft shoes was extremely comfortable. My whole body was as soft as a baby, which was very comfortable and appropriate. Unfortunately, no one touched the existing one and let it cover the box.
It’s easy to look at yourself in front of the mirror, and your body is radiant and radiant. It’s like three zigzag golden flowers on your head. They appear in the middle, open and close at first glance, emitting a mysterious spirit, and the quiet artistic conception sets you off like a fairy. The whole person looks carefree and pale, and the eyes are open and closed, which makes people awe-inspiring
This is the fairy family style before the whole body Shaqi persecuted their image completely. Now there are three golden flowers on the top of the head, which you can’t see if you don’t cover them carefully, but how to hide them is easy, but that’s how it can be done. It’s also a trouble to be afraid that others will get to the bottom of it
Look at the body, but feel that the left and right kidneys have changed a lot, emitting white light and gold light. I know how the binocular light comes, but I don’t see it at ordinary times. This is the golden light.
The spirit mind mobilized two light sinks, two kidney lights in Yu Tiangang Palace went straight through the eyes, and Venus shone slightly, which stung for a long time and then returned to normal. When I looked in the mirror, my eyes became darker and deeper, and a substance the size of a small grain of rice gave off a lustre flame.
I suddenly remembered that this is the replacement of the front pupil by pupil essence, and it is also the avatar’s gradual transformation of body parts. I don’t know what it will be like if it reaches the top stage.
Out of the house, look around at the sky or the heaven and the earth or the earth. The eyes are slightly weak, and suddenly two and a half feet of light come out through the array, which is the biggest change, but for the buildings that are separated, they are all clear and abnormal, as if they are farther away than the gods.
It’s easy to be present, but I’m satisfied with it. This is how the human body looks up to the sky, looks up at the sky, and looks at the stars of the highest day. It seems that there is a combination of transport and luck with the highest day, and there is a feeling that everything can be avoided with the highest day.
His mouth naturally uttered a word "three flowers gather at the top and five gases are facing the yuan"
Three flowers gather at the top to say that it is easy. If the average person practices this realm, he must at least practice to the peak of refining gas.
Three flowers is a metaphor for the essence, the spirit and the spirit, and it is called gathering the top, which is a mixture of the three. The process of refining the kidney, the lung and the heart is to combine these innate three things, then sublimate them through fire, and finally gather in the mud pill palace through various means. This is called gathering the top with three flowers.
However, it is easy to repeatedly compare the script in the secret book, but there is no mistake in the face, or there is no mistake in following the secret steps.
I am refining the refined gas realm, and now I have directly practiced the three flowers gathering at the top. This is simply incredible. It is not white to want to break my head. Is my body different from others …
It is easy to be confused for a while, and then I think about the five qi, which is the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney. The code name is gold, wood, water, fire and earth. Now it is the stage of storage and maintenance, and all decent people have to go through this step.
But I’m going to walk out of my unique path, or I’ll be as refined as others, and then I’ll be able to show my face, just waiting for Yi Dong and others to find a child born in Wuyin, and then I’ll be refined into a five-square, five-spirit child
It’s been two days since I took a look at it. I’m afraid I’ve accumulated a lot of things in the prison, and I have some headaches. I’m not interested in these things myself. Now I’ll hurry up and teach the ancient tea and let her handle it, so I’ll have free time to walk around and get some good things in some dangerous and vicious areas, which is better than staying in the prison.
When I talk about women, I think of that fleshy little tree. Now there are small groups around my residence, and I am not afraid of others peeping.
After he came to the house, he hit the ground with his right hand and slammed a hole about two feet in size. The jade bottle was taken out of the bag and poured out of the young tree to cultivate the soil and water it.
Yi pours the ebony aura into the bottle every few days. After such a long time, the young tree becomes more and more green. The branches on the top of the tree are soft and drooping like a woman’s slender 3,000 moss, and it smells fresh and sweet. I am also looking forward to what it will become in the end.
He took out the deputy commander Gan Kun and set up a small array around him, fuelling the hexagrams and five elements. The array was filled with three kinds of reiki, namely, cassia water, bentonite and ethyl wood, to moisten it. If you want to enter this small array together, the array will complement each other with the start, which is so wonderful. It’s a pity that you can’t arrange it alone or there will be fear.
The third volume Three flowers gather at the top Chapter 60 The highest plough cover
It’s easy to pat the head, there are too many things to be surprised, and the most important thing is forgotten. Just practice the plough solution, and there is a protective spell, the plough cover, which is the most important thing
"The highest point in the human body, the highest star, melts into the blood, which makes the vigorous qi cover avoid self-evil, cut off the evil spirit, fill the way and be true."
Yi Pan sits in front of the house and looks at the mud pill palace. According to modern scientific explanation, it is the pineal gland of the brain. From the outside, it is a small meatball mud pill palace.
However, there are various changes in the storage of the highest plough and the breath of the highest plough and the light of the two kidneys, which makes it feel limited and broad. There are three pipes, one is connected with the Mud Pill Palace, and the other two in front of it are like nerve vein pipes leading directly to the pupil essence of both eyes, which is how it changes.
Mobilizing the mind to instruct the sky to go through the mud pill palace and divide it into two lines, and then the meridians of the body are full of the sky, which is quite uncomfortable. It seems that the body is heavy and a lot of blood flow slows down.
However, with the change of the acquired Vigorous Qi, it decomposes, fuses, fuses and decomposes, filling up the body blood vessels repeatedly.
Sensible body blood seems to be squeezed out of the body to a balloon filled with air, and there is a feeling of not vomiting.
His face was red and his cheeks swelled up, and he was twice as big as a humanoid toad. His clothes were smashed piece by piece as if they were blown out by a gas. He was naked, muscular and piled up, bulging his external kidneys and standing upright. The positive charm was full.
However, a yellow oil is slowly squeezed out from the pores of the body, and it also has milky white pith with black and gray spots.
Yi’s heart and stomach seem to have accumulated a pool of liquid and rolled back and forth, unable to support it any longer, but it was a pile of blood spit out in one gulp, and at the same time, it forced all those impurities out of the body along the pores like a leak.
With the day after tomorrow, the miasma permeates the body and spreads on the skin, forming a light silver glow like a mask, but it gives people a natural feeling, adding a unique ethereal mystery to Yi, but the unbreakable thinking is caught in a strange desolate and lonely atmosphere.
It’s easy to wake up for a long time and see that the original injury of a body has healed. All kinds of thoughts in the elixir have been reduced a lot. The plough in the palace maintains the plough cover on the body surface, but there is not much. It seems that this plough palace is equivalent to a pool to be filled at any time.
The body is refreshing, especially at Baihui point on the top of the head, and the brain is cool. At this time, it seems that all kinds of things have become clear. Generally speaking, it is not much better to consider analysis than detailed analysis than computer.
"The power of the plough cover is really extraordinary, that is, it consumes too much gas, so it has advantages and disadvantages to accumulate it at any time. Things are not so perfect."
It’s easy to knock the left and right hands back and forth, giving off a sound of gold and iron, and the skin doesn’t vibrate at all. According to the secrets, the thunder method has achieved great results against the Yuan God, but there is no trial object now.
Put the plough cover back and scatter it in the skin, and the sky will stop consuming. If you are in this state against the enemy, you will suffer to defend the skin, but if you don’t have the strength to maintain this state, you can still slightly refine your body. It can be said that you are killing two birds with one stone
Easy to see, the eyes and legs are now shrinking to the size of a child. Since the beginning of the cultivation of truth, the lust has not broken. Yang Jing has no waves at all. It is a bit like an ascetic life. Without Yin qi to moisten life, the color of life is less, which is a bit monotonous.
At present, it is not time to wait until a certain stage, and we still need several women to be Ding Lu. There are several key spells that need to be studied in this area.

Zhang Yi’s heart disdains to laugh at ten thousand artillery pieces. You estimate that it is really conservative. In Zhang Yi’s memory, the first world war alone invested more than one million people. It seems that many artillery pieces were only equipped with dozens of artillery divisions. The world powers were involved in the world war, and Reagan was inconspicuous.

Zhang Yi replied, "Well, you are right. Now Germany’s standing military strength alone has reached three million people. Your two countries are also expanding their troops crazily until the beginning of the war, and they are afraid to invest their troops. However, more than one or two hundred army divisions are spending an amazing amount on weapons."
Zhang Yi went on to say, "No matter how much you consume, it will be produced even if you are exhausted."
Chapter one thousand five hundred and sixteen Super orders!
Facing the demands of Sevan, Raberg and Lao Denuo, Zhang Yi was very excited. No matter how much you want, you can sell it to you. You don’t make money for nothing. Anyway, all this money has been searched from various colonies and has always been for you.
Zhang Yi did all the work and made a promise to Sevan and others. Of course, several people were ecstatic. Of course, the details of the contract were definitely not determined by Zhang Yi. People who specialize in trade, weapons, diplomacy and negotiation will naturally handle such super orders.
A few people left and got excited all the way back. Zhang Yi promised that in the future European battlefield, they would no longer be afraid of Germany being stronger than the army. The German navy was far away, and the British imperial navy was far away. Even in ten or twenty years, Germany might not be able to catch up with Britain.
In the next few days, the negotiations were extremely hard. A country didn’t want to throw too many benefits to other countries, but it held the absolute initiative. The delegation of the Republic of China wouldn’t budge from its oil, coal, steel and other materials. Even food can be priced according to the international market, and it’s okay to give you some discounts. But only this plane and tank must be priced according to our price. We don’t sell any of them, and we don’t worry about selling them anyway. If you don’t buy them, there are people lining up to buy them!
Sevan personally came to Tang Shaoyi for talks, hoping to get a relatively favorable price, and Tang Shaoyi insisted that the price was already very fair and must not be lowered!
Finally, the separate contracts signed by Britain, France and Britain came into effect.
The whole order contains general materials. The Republic of China sends 50,000 tons of flour, 50,000 tons of rice and 50,000 tons of corn to Britain and France every year. After entering the war, the following materials should be turned over to Britain and France if necessary.
Resources and materials The Republic of China sends 1 million tons of oil, 3 million tons of coal and 1 million tons of steel to Britain and France every year. After entering the war, the process of doubling the following materials should not be postponed if necessary.
Military supplies: The Republic of China sends 60 tanks, 150 guns, 50 planes and 2,000 heavy machine guns of all kinds to Britain and France every year. After the war, Britain and France ask the Republic of China to increase the scale of arms exports. The price can be negotiated separately.
It’s just the main item. In the past five years, the total value of weapons, ammunition and various materials delivered by the Republic of China to Britain and France has exceeded 500 million pounds!
Even now, the fiscal revenue of the Republic of China is far from so much!
Such a huge trade volume can be said to be truly before!
Tang Shaoyi is holding a formal contract document in his hand, and his legs are shaking with excitement. Such a huge amount of money means that the industrial agriculture of the Republic of China will be in a state of intense production without stopping in the future. Absolutely!
That’s not to mention the military and trade orders in the allied camp. All the orders together make it impossible for China to develop slowly in the future!
Tang Shaoyi laughed at Zhang Yi. "It’s almost impossible to jump out of your calculations. It’s really a legacy. It’s difficult for us to implement these orders and not to get rich. It’s difficult for the Republic of China to take the lead in the world!"
Zhang yi shook his head and smiled. "Well, a few things in Shaochuan will make you excited like this. Where did you get here? Tell you what, they haven’t fought yet. You won’t know how much wealth this war will consume until they fight! "
Tang Shaoyi exclaimed, "Don’t scare me. Isn’t this a big order?"
Zhang Yi replied, "It’s not enough. It’s far from enough for millions of troops to carry out operations at the same time. It’s terrible to consume soldiers every day. A cannon consumes 100 shells a day. Can you calculate how many 10,000 or 20,000 cannons will consume a day?"
"Two … two million …"
Tang Shaoyi difficult to swallow a mouthful of saliva bitter said.
"You know it’s two million?"
Zhang Yi leered at Tang Shaoyi and then said, "I expect this war will last two or three years less, even if the Great War lasted only 20 months and 600 days! Can you calculate how much the consumption of artillery shells will reach? "
Um ..
Tang Shaoyi thoroughly talked for two million six hundred days a day, which will be 1.2 billion shells. Even if we overestimate the number and halve it, there will still be 600 million shells. If we halve it, there will still be 300 million shells! What a fortune this will be!
Compared with this war, the Chinese Republic has experienced these wars over the years, which is just like playing house!
That’s just counting the shells. There are still shells. A cannon consumes 100 shells a day. What about heavy machine guns? It’s impossible to count the shells a day. I’m afraid that thousands is not enough. It needs tens of thousands!
Not counting this, there is him. It will be an astronomical figure for millions of troops to consume food every day. A person will be frightened when he sees it. Astronomical figures!
Tang Shaoyi’s face turned red and stammered, "Well, don’t these people care about the colonial interests? Even if these countries have accumulated huge amounts of wealth for hundreds of years, they can’t stand such consumption!"
Zhang Yi sighed and said, "Shaochuan, this is the original sin of human beings. Once the heart bears fruit, it will fill the whole person’s body. This person’s soul is a stranger. A philosopher in the West once said that if there is 100% profit, these greedy people dare to take the risk of gallows. Greed drives them to forget the risk …"
Tang Shaoyi said with a wry smile, "Be firm in the future. If one day you hope to reach the time when China and the Republic of China are uncompromising, I hope you can keep your heart clear. Those interests will push our country into flames. You have achieved the highest peak that a leader can achieve, and so is Qin Huang Hanwu. I hope you will not be blinded by * *. In that case, it will be a disaster of nearly 50 thousand people in China!"
Zhang Yi took a deep breath and replied, "Don’t worry, Shaochuan, we will never get there!"
Chapter one thousand five hundred and seventeen East sunrise west
Sevan returned to England in high spirits with a super order.
Shortly after returning to England, Sevan came to his former lair in the House of Representatives, where Sevan gave a speech on the theme "Join hands with China to create a prosperous world", which attracted five or six thousand people, all of whom were elites from all walks of life in Britain.
Sevango gave his provocative speech. Ladies and gentlemen, the Republic of China is an ancient country, and it is also a country with limited vitality in arachis duranensis. He is not India, India and even before him! The foil has been disqualified, not to mention Japan, where the original island country has become a province of the Republic of China! The Republic of China is a rising and important power in the future world. We can’t stay in that impression a hundred years ago! Nowadays, there are many high-rise buildings in China and the Republic of China, and the railways in China and the Republic of China are vertical and horizontal. China and the Republic of China are open-minded and proud of the East. We need peaceful coexistence, we need win-win results, and we need the future to rule the world together! All the contradictions between China and Britain have been properly resolved in this visit. In the next five to ten years, the British Empire, China and the Republic of China will show explosive growth. There is a lot of wealth waiting for you to develop, and there are also China people full of wine waiting for distinguished and friendly guests from the West! Friends, change our preconceptions about China. What we need to pay is respect. Winning will be the future! ……
Sevan’s cadence speech caused a burst of enthusiastic applause from the crowd. Over the years, the Germans and the American Republic of China have earned enough real money, and the British Empire has lost a great opportunity because of its arrogance. This time, nothing can be missed!
The smooth settlement of the Sino-British war has also won great fame in Britain, and the support rate is rising step by step, which is close to the best prime minister in British history!
"Wonderful wonderful is wonderful. This Cervantes is a demagogic speaker by nature. I really didn’t choose the wrong person at the beginning. It seems that I have to carry out another plan!"
In the distant crowd, a game-writing protocol was dressed in a suit and a high-brimmed hat with big black glasses, and his appearance was covered up. Looking at the distant sky, Sai Wan’s game-writing protocol revealed a smile at the corner of his mouth and muttered, turned around and went out into the distance …
Just one month after Sevan’s speech, tens of millions of British businessmen began to order tickets to China and flocked to China. It’s urgent to be quick and slow. Shopping malls are now or never!
Of course, the excitement is Britain and France, and some of them are not excited. Naturally, it is Germany, and then there is a unlucky Russian.
William II’s theory, for example, didn’t think that this just Taiwan Sevan should have such a big event. When he stayed in the Republic of China for less than half a month, he turned the tense situation between China and Britain around!
William II Zhang Yijiu is too familiar with Zhang Yishi. This guy’s foreign policy has always been tougher than you want to bite me. Then I will definitely break all your teeth! Revenge must be reported!
The hatred of Britain, China and the Republic of China was too deep. The two Opium Wars were started by the British. Later, there were British figures behind the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, and then there was an invasion by the allied forces. This is absolutely as deep as the sea. Zhang Yi, how can this guy say forget these hatred and forget them?
Does this Sevan really have such great magic? Not only solved the contradiction between China, the Republic of China and Britain, but also solved the contradiction between France and China!
Well, it’s very exciting to send troops to Britain, France and Russia. William II is very excited to fight. You can fight. Only when you fight your head off will the Chinese tiger fall to the Allies more quickly and become the best assistant for Germany to dominate the ball.
Unexpectedly, the sudden change of the wind and cloud has caused a fierce battle. Several countries have shaken hands and made peace in a blink of an eye, and they have completely normalized their countries!
What else can I do?
William II didn’t believe that the Chinese tiger would join the Allies, but even if the Chinese tiger remained neutral, it would be a great blow to Germany, who didn’t know that Germany was China’s closest ally for more than a decade!
William II’s own bedroom kept throwing goblets off the wall to vent his anger.
For a long time, William II gradually calmed down
Mao Qi came by and said, "We have to find out what that guy Sevan did in China. Where did he get so much energy? It is not normal to let the Chinese tiger take the initiative to retreat from India without even saying that tens of thousands of prisoners of war will be released. We must find the answer! "
William II roared, "Yes, send a telegram to Andrew immediately!"! Give him three days and I need to know everything that happened in Beijing when Sevan led the delegation, even if Sevan went to the toilet to shit, I need to find out! "
William II’s urgent order naturally made Andrew, the little old man, busy and launched all the information about Sevan’s visit to China in Beijing!
In another injured Russia, it is naturally Nicholas II.
Unfortunately, Nicholas II lost a lot of money this time. Britain and France lost at most a part of their money and troops, but there was not much war damage. But Russia was different. Mongolia’s 200,000 troops in World War I were almost wiped out, and the Chinese revolutionary army ran away. By the way, Sakhalin Island was lost. It was a huge island with an area of more than 100,000 square kilometers!
Not only that, but the Chinese revolutionary army marched two or three hundred miles towards the Russian territory in one breath, scaring the Siberian garrison to death and risking another war? Although the Russian army has now formed a hundred thousand troops, they have no chance of winning in the face of the magnificent Chinese revolutionary army!
If one careless failure, the whole Siberia will be at stake. Why bother?
Make peace! Make peace!
Being stuck in the throat by the Chinese revolutionary army, Nicholas II had to put down his posture and make peace talks with the Republic of China again. After hard negotiations, it was finally settled, but the huge loss made Nicholas II so angry-Sakhalin Island fell into the Republic of China. Two hundred thousand troops died in vain, and thirty thousand prisoners of war could be returned, but each prisoner of war was two hundred pounds!
The Chinese Revolutionary Army withdrew from Siberia, but 10 million pounds of war reparations must be paid out!
Chapter one thousand five hundred and ten The situation in Tibet
This month, a drastic change has also begun in China, which is not just a border area of China, Tibet and China!
Temporary Command of Southwest Military Region of Huaxia Revolutionary Army in Lhasa
Because Zhang Xiaohuai has been staying in Tibet for a long time, the situation in Tibet looks quiet. It is already dark and turbulent. The commander’s staff has been stranded in Tibet for a long time and does not return. Naturally, this headquarters will follow.
Zhang Xiaohuai was working when the staff officer on duty hurried in and whispered, "Commander Yang Du is coming."
Zhang Xiaohuai’s eyebrows have been picked up. It has been nearly two months since Yang Du came to Tibet. During this time, he has been running back and forth in various tribes in Tibet, and he has been working hard to divide and win over various tribes. In the past two months, the two of them have only met twice. Today, he turned to Lhasa. It seems that things are almost busy.
Zhang Xiao Huai Yang said, "Please hurry! Forget it, I’d better meet it myself … "